To bring gladness to the simple
products of everyday life
is the intention of
my work.
Hi! I'm Emily.
Well into my third decade of life I’ve arrived at the medium of watercolor. It has been my spring-board from hobby artist into this wide, wonderful world of surface design. It’s been a journey, but who’s story isn't?

Child & Young Adult
Building the basic foundational skills of lines, shading, color and composition because it interested me as a kid and young adult.
College Student
Student of Architectural Drafting at Dunwoody, literally “because I love to draw”, where I learned the exacting and technical art of drafting, and with it, the equally important foundational skill of digital Layers.
Wife and Mother
The realization that technical drafting is not creative, becoming a wife and mother, the absence of art in the form of drawing, and the advent of art in the form of crochet pattern design, due to the demand of my own darling babies.
My return to the wonderful world of lines and color with the addition of a paintbrush and water, lots of water, and the Adobe suite.

a bit of my process